
AGRANA confers promotion award for science and research at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Дата: 25.11.2022

AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG yesterday conferred its research promotion award at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna. Norbert Harringer, management board member at AGRANA responsible for production, commodity procurement and sustainability, handed over the research promotion award to Katrin Karner and Elena Zand. This is the 24th time that this award has been conveyed by AGRANA for outstanding master dissertations and doctoral theses.

Katrin Karner received this award from AGRANA for her investigation into various methods to support the sustainable regional management of agricultural and water resources under the prevailing climate change conditions. Her thesis demonstrates that even a minimal reduction in the agricultural net benefit can significantly improve regional environmental indicators.

Elena Zand received the AGRANA Research Promotion Award for her thesis on new concepts to avoid microbiological contaminants in food and their early detection. The aim of her investigations was to highlight new means of inspecting hygienic food production facilities in order to minimise the risk of food-related outbreaks of disease.

“As a company which procures agricultural commodities worldwide, processes these and converts them into foodstuffs and technical applications, research into the impacts of climate change on agriculture and food safety are particularly important for us. The AGRANA Research Promotion Award specifically acknowledges the work of young scientists and their studies in areas which are extremely important for AGRANA at the moment,” Harringer highlighted.

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