
AGRANA Annual General Meeting votes for a dividend of €0.75

Дата: 08.07.2022

The 35th Ordinary Annual General Meeting of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG today voted to pay out a dividend for the 2021|22 financial year in the amount of € 0.75 per share (prior year dividend: € 0.85 per share). AGRANA therefore remains committed to a predictable, reliable and transparent dividend policy that is geared to continuity. The dividends are based on the result as well as on the Group’s cash flow and debt situation, while simultaneously maintaining a solid balance sheet structure. Moreover, AGRANA also takes current events such as the war in Ukraine and the anticipated future development of business into account in its dividend policy.

Furthermore, the Annual General Meeting also elected Veronika Haslinger, General Manager of Raiffeisen-Holding Niederösterreich-Wien reg. Gen. m. b. H., Niels Pörksen, CEO of Südzucker AG, and Stefan Streng, Chairman of the Verband Süddeutscher Zuckerrübenanbauer e. V. members of the Supervisory Board.

With effect from 8 July 2022, the AGRANA Supervisory Board is therefore constituted as follows: Erwin Hameseder (Chairman), Niels Pörksen (1st Deputy Chairman), Veronika Haslinger (2nd Deputy Chairwoman), Helmut Friedl, Andrea Gritsch, Ernst Karpfinger, Josef Pröll, Stefan Streng and the works’ council representatives Daniela Bogner, Thomas Buder, Andreas Klamler and Rene Schmid.

The AGM also voted to appoint PwC Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH, Vienna, to act as the auditor for the 2022|23 financial year.

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